Traffic Traffic Traffic

Traffic is the lifeblood of any business
Once there is traffic, there would be sales
Imagine having 500 people coming to your DM in a day
Asking about your business
Surely ten will buy
Or more
If you are good, you get more sales
Now, I want you to check the picture below
This is a picture of people in traffic
Let's assume they have been stalked in traffic after a busy day at the office
What do you think would be in their mind?
How to get home right?
What if you offer them a solution that you can provide a solution to them
Your solution might be to help them remove the hassles of staying in the traffic
Not only that, but you also offered to take their Car out of the traffic
What did you think would happen?
A lot would be happy for that opportunity
But some will be skeptical
It's okay, they have known you at this stage
But if you are able to successfully drop 20 people with their car home
Out of these 20, some posted reviews of how amazing the journey was
And how they were able to skip the hassles of traffic
At this stage, they have already liked you
If you drop another 20 at their respective homes with their car
What do you think has happened at this stage?
You have gained their trust
Many people will be scrambling to get your service
Some would even offer to double your payment to be able to get your service
This means you have gotten a quality traffic
What if you tried this when there is no traffic
There would be low sales or no sales at all
Always find quality traffic while sourcing traffic for your business


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