How To Let Your Employer Know About A Medical Problem


When it comes to job insecurity, the best approach depends on four factors:

your disability,

your job,

your supervisor,

your behavior.

Peter Blanck, chairman of the Burton Blatt Company – an organization that promotes bourgeois , financial and social participation for people with disabilities – Syracuse University says such discussions are difficult, because how and when it manifests itself at work can have significant impact on employment.

This is especially true if the disorder is hidden, such as a mental illness, or does not have obvious physical symptoms. So what are the ways to know how and when to harm an employer? We will investigate these cases and provide suggestions for managing communication to obtain the required accommodation.

Should you report your injury?

The American Disability Act (ADA) allows you to disclose your disability at any time. For the ADA to protect you, your disability must be significant, not like a minor.

This means, for example, that your disability needs to be limited or limited in particular: listening sees the ability to breathe to perform manual tasks Ability to take care of the personal training workplace “All decisions [to express or not to show his weakness] have consequences for the employee and the employer, ”Blanck explained.

“If you say and then you face fraudulent discrimination, it’s worse. But it’s also worse if you don’t speak up and end the whole work day with pressure and frustration.” And your employer may use the disclosure against you if you later try to claim that you have been discriminated against or removed.

Blanck advises staff to undergo independent medical testing before screening. If you use an employer doctor, you should familiarize yourself with the company’s privacy policy.


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